QxOrm  1.4.9
C++ Object Relational Mapping library
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 **
00003 ** https://www.qxorm.com/
00004 ** Copyright (C) 2013 Lionel Marty (contact@qxorm.com)
00005 **
00006 ** This file is part of the QxOrm library
00007 **
00008 ** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
00009 ** warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
00010 ** damages arising from the use of this software
00011 **
00012 ** Commercial Usage
00013 ** Licensees holding valid commercial QxOrm licenses may use this file in
00014 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
00015 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
00016 ** a written agreement between you and Lionel Marty
00017 **
00018 ** GNU General Public License Usage
00019 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
00020 ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
00021 ** Foundation and appearing in the file 'license.gpl3.txt' included in the
00022 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
00023 ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
00024 ** met : http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
00025 **
00026 ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, or
00027 ** if you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact :
00028 ** contact@qxorm.com
00029 **
00030 ****************************************************************************/
00032 #ifdef Q_MOC_RUN
00033 #include <QxCommon/QxConfig.h> // Need to include this file for the 'moc' process
00034 #endif // Q_MOC_RUN
00036 #ifdef _QX_ENABLE_QT_NETWORK
00040 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00041 #pragma once
00042 #endif
00052 #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
00053 #include <QxPrecompiled.h> // Need to include precompiled header for the generated moc file
00054 #endif // Q_MOC_RUN
00057 #include <QtCore/qdatastream.h>
00059 #ifndef _QX_NO_JSON
00060 #include <QtCore/qjsonvalue.h>
00061 #endif // _QX_NO_JSON
00063 #include <QtNetwork/qtcpsocket.h>
00065 #ifndef QT_NO_SSL
00066 #include <QtNetwork/qsslsocket.h>
00067 #include <QtNetwork/qsslconfiguration.h>
00068 #include <QtNetwork/qsslcertificate.h>
00069 #include <QtNetwork/qsslerror.h>
00070 #include <QtNetwork/qsslkey.h>
00071 #endif // QT_NO_SSL
00073 #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
00074 #include <QxCommon/QxBool.h>
00075 #include <QxRegister/QxRegisterInternalHelper.h>
00076 #include <QxService/IxService.h>
00077 #include <QxService/IxParameter.h>
00078 #include <QxConvert/QxConvert.h>
00079 #endif // Q_MOC_RUN
00081 namespace qx {
00082 namespace service {
00083 class QxTransaction;
00084 } // namespace service
00085 } // namespace qx
00087 QX_DLL_EXPORT QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & stream, const qx::service::QxTransaction & t) QX_USED;
00088 QX_DLL_EXPORT QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & stream, qx::service::QxTransaction & t) QX_USED;
00090 #ifndef _QX_NO_JSON
00091 namespace qx {
00092 namespace cvt {
00093 namespace detail {
00094 template <> struct QxConvert_ToJson< qx::service::QxTransaction >;
00095 template <> struct QxConvert_FromJson< qx::service::QxTransaction >;
00096 QX_DLL_EXPORT QJsonValue QxConvert_ToJson_Helper(const qx::service::QxTransaction & t, const QString & format) QX_USED;
00097 QX_DLL_EXPORT qx_bool QxConvert_FromJson_Helper(const QJsonValue & j, qx::service::QxTransaction & t, const QString & format) QX_USED;
00098 } // namespace detail
00099 } // namespace cvt
00100 } // namespace qx
00101 #endif // _QX_NO_JSON
00103 namespace qx {
00104 namespace service {
00112 class QX_DLL_EXPORT QxTransaction : public QObject
00113 {
00115    Q_OBJECT
00116    QX_REGISTER_FRIEND_CLASS(qx::service::QxTransaction)
00118    friend QX_DLL_EXPORT QDataStream & ::operator<< (QDataStream & stream, const qx::service::QxTransaction & t);
00119    friend QX_DLL_EXPORT QDataStream & ::operator>> (QDataStream & stream, qx::service::QxTransaction & t);
00121 #ifndef _QX_NO_JSON
00122    friend struct qx::cvt::detail::QxConvert_ToJson< qx::service::QxTransaction >;
00123    friend struct qx::cvt::detail::QxConvert_FromJson< qx::service::QxTransaction >;
00124    friend QX_DLL_EXPORT QJsonValue qx::cvt::detail::QxConvert_ToJson_Helper(const qx::service::QxTransaction & t, const QString & format);
00125    friend QX_DLL_EXPORT qx_bool qx::cvt::detail::QxConvert_FromJson_Helper(const QJsonValue & j, qx::service::QxTransaction & t, const QString & format);
00126 #endif // _QX_NO_JSON
00128 public:
00130    enum connection_status { conn_none, conn_keep_alive, conn_close };
00132 protected:
00134    QString              m_sTransactionId;                   
00135    quint32              m_uiInputTransactionSize;           
00136    quint32              m_uiOutputTransactionSize;          
00137    QDateTime            m_dtTransactionBegin;               
00138    QDateTime            m_dtTransactionRequestSent;         
00139    QDateTime            m_dtTransactionRequestReceived;     
00140    QDateTime            m_dtTransactionReplySent;           
00141    QDateTime            m_dtTransactionReplyReceived;       
00142    QDateTime            m_dtTransactionEnd;                 
00143    QString              m_sIpSource;                        
00144    QString              m_sIpTarget;                        
00145    long                 m_lPortSource;                      
00146    long                 m_lPortTarget;                      
00147    QString              m_sServiceName;                     
00148    QString              m_sServiceMethod;                   
00149    qx_bool              m_bMessageReturn;                   
00150    IxParameter_ptr      m_pInputParameter;                  
00151    IxParameter_ptr      m_pOutputParameter;                 
00152    IxService_ptr        m_pServiceInstance;                 
00153    connection_status    m_eForceConnectionStatus;           
00155 public:
00157    QxTransaction() : QObject(), m_uiInputTransactionSize(0), m_uiOutputTransactionSize(0), m_lPortSource(0), m_lPortTarget(0), m_eForceConnectionStatus(conn_none) { ; }
00158    virtual ~QxTransaction() { ; }
00159    virtual void clear();
00161    QString getTransactionId() const                      { return m_sTransactionId; }
00162    quint32 getInputTransactionSize() const               { return m_uiInputTransactionSize; }
00163    quint32 getOutputTransactionSize() const              { return m_uiOutputTransactionSize; }
00164    QDateTime getTransactionBegin() const                 { return m_dtTransactionBegin; }
00165    QDateTime getTransactionRequestSent() const           { return m_dtTransactionRequestSent; }
00166    QDateTime getTransactionRequestReceived() const       { return m_dtTransactionRequestReceived; }
00167    QDateTime getTransactionReplySent() const             { return m_dtTransactionReplySent; }
00168    QDateTime getTransactionReplyReceived() const         { return m_dtTransactionReplyReceived; }
00169    QDateTime getTransactionEnd() const                   { return m_dtTransactionEnd; }
00170    QString getIpSource() const                           { return m_sIpSource; }
00171    QString getIpTarget() const                           { return m_sIpTarget; }
00172    long getPortSource() const                            { return m_lPortSource; }
00173    long getPortTarget() const                            { return m_lPortTarget; }
00174    QString getServiceName() const                        { return m_sServiceName; }
00175    QString getServiceMethod() const                      { return m_sServiceMethod; }
00176    qx_bool getMessageReturn() const                      { return m_bMessageReturn; }
00177    IxParameter_ptr getInputParameter() const             { return m_pInputParameter; }
00178    IxParameter_ptr getOutputParameter() const            { return m_pOutputParameter; }
00179    connection_status getForceConnectionStatus() const    { return m_eForceConnectionStatus; }
00181    void setTransactionId(const QString & s)                    { m_sTransactionId = s; }
00182    void setInputTransactionSize(quint32 ui)                    { m_uiInputTransactionSize = ui; }
00183    void setOutputTransactionSize(quint32 ui)                   { m_uiOutputTransactionSize = ui; }
00184    void setTransactionBegin(const QDateTime & dt)              { m_dtTransactionBegin = dt; }
00185    void setTransactionRequestSent(const QDateTime & dt)        { m_dtTransactionRequestSent = dt; }
00186    void setTransactionRequestReceived(const QDateTime & dt)    { m_dtTransactionRequestReceived = dt; }
00187    void setTransactionReplySent(const QDateTime & dt)          { m_dtTransactionReplySent = dt; }
00188    void setTransactionReplyReceived(const QDateTime & dt)      { m_dtTransactionReplyReceived = dt; }
00189    void setTransactionEnd(const QDateTime & dt)                { m_dtTransactionEnd = dt; }
00190    void setIpSource(const QString & s)                         { m_sIpSource = s; }
00191    void setIpTarget(const QString & s)                         { m_sIpTarget = s; }
00192    void setPortSource(long l)                                  { m_lPortSource = l; }
00193    void setPortTarget(long l)                                  { m_lPortTarget = l; }
00194    void setServiceName(const QString & s)                      { m_sServiceName = s; }
00195    void setServiceMethod(const QString & s)                    { m_sServiceMethod = s; }
00196    void setMessageReturn(const qx_bool & b)                    { m_bMessageReturn = b; }
00197    void setInputParameter(IxParameter_ptr p)                   { m_pInputParameter = p; }
00198    void setOutputParameter(IxParameter_ptr p)                  { m_pOutputParameter = p; }
00199    void setForceConnectionStatus(connection_status e)          { m_eForceConnectionStatus = e; }
00201    virtual void executeServer();
00202    virtual qx_bool writeSocketServer(QTcpSocket & socket);
00203    virtual qx_bool readSocketServer(QTcpSocket & socket);
00205    virtual void executeClient(IxService * pService, const QString & sMethod);
00206    virtual qx_bool writeSocketClient(QTcpSocket & socket);
00207    virtual qx_bool readSocketClient(QTcpSocket & socket);
00209    QString getInfos() const;
00211 protected:
00213 #ifndef QT_NO_SSL
00214    QSslSocket * initSocketSSL();
00215    bool checkSocketSSLEncrypted(QTcpSocket * socket);
00216 #endif // QT_NO_SSL
00218 Q_SIGNALS:
00220    void onCustomRequestHandler();
00222 };
00224 typedef std::shared_ptr<QxTransaction> QxTransaction_ptr;
00225 QX_DLL_EXPORT void execute_client(IxService * pService, const QString & sMethod);
00227 } // namespace service
00228 } // namespace qx
00230 QX_REGISTER_INTERNAL_HELPER_HPP(QX_DLL_EXPORT, qx::service::QxTransaction, 0)
00232 #endif // _QX_SERVICE_TRANSACTION_H_
00233 #endif // _QX_ENABLE_QT_NETWORK