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ASSERT error in file QxSingleton

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:48 pm
by ledunkang
I'm using QxOrm in several shared libraries. In one library, qxorm is initialized to connect to oracle db, and in other libraries queries are executed. When app starts and some query are executed, qt creator complains:
ASSERT: "! isExist && !sKey.isEmpty()" in file QxSingletonX.cpp, LINE 68
then app crash.
QMutex …

Woulg u plz tell me how to fix it? thx

Re: ASSERT error in file QxSingleton

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:19 pm
by qxorm

qx::QxSingletonX is a collection of all qx::IxSingleton in your program (it's a kind of manager for all singletons).

Maybe you have several classes registered into QxOrm context with the same name ?
In the ./test/ directory of QxOrm package, the qxDllSample project sample shows that QxOrm library works fine with shared libraries.

To help you to debug what happens in your program, you could try to use the _QX_USE_TRACE_CONSTRUCTOR_DESTRUCTOR compilation option.
Or put breakpoints in the IxSingleton.cpp file (constructor and destructor).