QxEntityEditor - BETA version of the graphic editor

Open discussion on QxEntityEditor

QxEntityEditor - BETA version of the graphic editor

Postby qxorm » Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:09 pm


Here is the first version of the graphic editor for QxOrm library : QxEntityEditor !


QxEntityEditor provides a graphic way to manage the entities (or classes) and generate automatically the C++ source code. QxEntityEditor is based on plugins, and will provide soon many new features to import/export your project.

For now, this is a BETA version : ODBC import plugin doesn't work yet. All other features should work without any problem.

This BETA test should continue until the 15 of january 2014.
Here is a valid license key for the BETA version (without this license key, you will be limited to 5 entities per project in the graphic editor) :


QxEntityEditor is available on many systems, just select the link for your environment :

* Windows 32 bits ;
* Windows 64 bits ;
* Windows XP ;
* Linux 32 bits ;
* Linux 64 bits ;
* Mac OS X

Thx to everyone to test this BETA version !

Note : here is a link to the last BETA version of QxOrm library (1.2.6) : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxOrm_1.2.6_BETA_18.zip
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