QxOrm  1.4.9
C++ Object Relational Mapping library
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 **
00003 ** https://www.qxorm.com/
00004 ** Copyright (C) 2013 Lionel Marty (contact@qxorm.com)
00005 **
00006 ** This file is part of the QxOrm library
00007 **
00008 ** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
00009 ** warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
00010 ** damages arising from the use of this software
00011 **
00012 ** Commercial Usage
00013 ** Licensees holding valid commercial QxOrm licenses may use this file in
00014 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
00015 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
00016 ** a written agreement between you and Lionel Marty
00017 **
00018 ** GNU General Public License Usage
00019 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
00020 ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
00021 ** Foundation and appearing in the file 'license.gpl3.txt' included in the
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00025 **
00026 ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, or
00027 ** if you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact :
00028 ** contact@qxorm.com
00029 **
00030 ****************************************************************************/
00032 #ifndef _QX_DAO_POINTER_H_
00033 #define _QX_DAO_POINTER_H_
00035 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00036 #pragma once
00037 #endif
00046 #include <QtCore/qsharedpointer.h>
00047 #include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
00048 #include <QtCore/qdatastream.h>
00050 #include <QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_QSharedPointer.h>
00052 namespace qx {
00053 template <class T> QSharedPointer<T> clone_to_qt_shared_ptr(const T & obj);
00054 } // namespace qx
00056 namespace qx {
00057 namespace dao {
00058 template <typename T> class ptr;
00059 } // namespace dao
00060 } // namespace qx
00062 template <typename T> QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & stream, const qx::dao::ptr<T> & t);
00063 template <typename T> QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & stream, qx::dao::ptr<T> & t);
00065 namespace qx {
00066 namespace dao {
00068 namespace detail {
00069 template <class T> struct QxDao_IsDirty;
00070 } // namespace detail
00137 template <typename T>
00138 class ptr
00139 {
00141    template <class U> friend QDataStream & ::operator<< (QDataStream & stream, const qx::dao::ptr<U> & t);
00142    template <class U> friend QDataStream & ::operator>> (QDataStream & stream, qx::dao::ptr<U> & t);
00144 private:
00146    QSharedPointer<T> m_pWork;       
00147    QSharedPointer<T> m_pOriginal;   
00149 public:
00151    ptr()                                                                                                             { ; }
00152    explicit ptr(T * ptr) : m_pWork(ptr)                                                                              { ; }
00153    explicit ptr(T * ptr, T * original) : m_pWork(ptr), m_pOriginal(original)                                         { ; }
00154    ptr(const qx::dao::ptr<T> & other) : m_pWork(other.m_pWork), m_pOriginal(other.m_pOriginal)                       { ; }
00155    ptr(const QSharedPointer<T> & other) : m_pWork(other)                                                             { ; }
00156    ptr(const QSharedPointer<T> & other, const QSharedPointer<T> & original) : m_pWork(other), m_pOriginal(original)  { ; }
00157    ptr(const QWeakPointer<T> & other) : m_pWork(other)                                                               { ; }
00158    ptr(const QWeakPointer<T> & other, const QWeakPointer<T> & original) : m_pWork(other), m_pOriginal(original)      { ; }
00159    virtual ~ptr()                                                                                                    { ; }
00161    template <typename Deleter> ptr(T * ptr, Deleter deleter) : m_pWork(ptr, deleter)                                       { ; }
00162    template <typename Deleter> ptr(T * ptr, T * original, Deleter deleter) : m_pWork(ptr, deleter), m_pOriginal(original)  { ; }
00164    template <class X> ptr(const qx::dao::ptr<X> & other) : m_pWork(qSharedPointerCast<T>(other.m_pWork)), m_pOriginal(qSharedPointerCast<T>(other.m_pOriginal))                                                { ; }
00165    template <class X> ptr(const QSharedPointer<X> & other) : m_pWork(qSharedPointerCast<T>(other))                                                                                                             { ; }
00166    template <class X> ptr(const QSharedPointer<X> & other, const QSharedPointer<T> & original) : m_pWork(qSharedPointerCast<T>(other)), m_pOriginal(qSharedPointerCast<T>(original))                           { ; }
00167    template <class X> ptr(const QWeakPointer<X> & other) : m_pWork(qSharedPointerCast<T>(other.toStrongRef()))                                                                                                 { ; }
00168    template <class X> ptr(const QWeakPointer<X> & other, const QWeakPointer<X> & original) : m_pWork(qSharedPointerCast<T>(other.toStrongRef())), m_pOriginal(qSharedPointerCast<T>(original.toStrongRef()))   { ; }
00170    qx::dao::ptr<T> & operator=(const qx::dao::ptr<T> & other)     { m_pWork = other.m_pWork; m_pOriginal = other.m_pOriginal; return (* this); }
00171    qx::dao::ptr<T> & operator=(const QSharedPointer<T> & other)   { m_pWork = other; m_pOriginal.clear(); return (* this); }
00172    qx::dao::ptr<T> & operator=(const QWeakPointer<T> & other)     { m_pWork = other; m_pOriginal.clear(); return (* this); }
00174    template <class X> qx::dao::ptr<T> & operator=(const qx::dao::ptr<X> & other)    { m_pWork = qSharedPointerCast<T>(other.m_pWork); m_pOriginal = qSharedPointerCast<T>(other.m_pOriginal); return (* this); }
00175    template <class X> qx::dao::ptr<T> & operator=(const QSharedPointer<X> & other)  { m_pWork = qSharedPointerCast<T>(other); m_pOriginal.clear(); return (* this); }
00176    template <class X> qx::dao::ptr<T> & operator=(const QWeakPointer<X> & other)    { m_pWork = qSharedPointerCast<T>(other.toStrongRef()); m_pOriginal.clear(); return (* this); }
00178    inline T * get() const                                      { return m_pWork.data(); }
00179    inline T * getOriginal() const                              { return m_pOriginal.data(); }
00180    inline T * data() const                                     { return m_pWork.data(); }
00181    inline T * dataOriginal() const                             { return m_pOriginal.data(); }
00182    inline bool isNull() const                                  { return m_pWork.isNull(); }
00183    inline operator bool() const                                { return (! m_pWork.isNull()); }
00184    inline bool operator!() const                               { return m_pWork.isNull(); }
00185    inline T & operator*() const                                { return (* m_pWork.data()); }
00186    inline T * operator->() const                               { return m_pWork.data(); }
00187    inline void clear()                                         { m_pWork.clear(); m_pOriginal.clear(); }
00188    inline void reset()                                         { m_pWork.clear(); m_pOriginal.clear(); }
00189    inline void reset(const QSharedPointer<T> & ptr)            { m_pWork = ptr; m_pOriginal.clear(); }
00190    inline void resetOriginal(const QSharedPointer<T> & ptr)    { m_pOriginal = ptr; }
00191    inline bool isDirty() const                                 { QStringList lstDiff; return isDirty(lstDiff); }
00192    inline QSharedPointer<T> toQtSharedPointer() const          { return m_pWork; }
00193    inline void saveToOriginal()                                { m_pOriginal.clear(); if (m_pWork) { m_pOriginal = qx::clone_to_qt_shared_ptr(* m_pWork); } }
00194    inline void restoreFromOriginal()                           { m_pWork.clear(); if (m_pOriginal) { m_pWork = qx::clone_to_qt_shared_ptr(* m_pOriginal); } }
00196    template <class X> qx::dao::ptr<X> staticCast() const       { return qx::dao::ptr<X>(m_pWork.template staticCast<X>(), m_pOriginal.template staticCast<X>()); }
00197    template <class X> qx::dao::ptr<X> dynamicCast() const      { return qx::dao::ptr<X>(m_pWork.template dynamicCast<X>(), m_pOriginal.template dynamicCast<X>()); }
00198    template <class X> qx::dao::ptr<X> constCast() const        { return qx::dao::ptr<X>(m_pWork.template constCast<X>(), m_pOriginal.template constCast<X>()); }
00200    bool isDirty(QStringList & lstDiff) const
00201    {
00202       lstDiff.clear();
00203       if (m_pWork.isNull() || m_pOriginal.isNull()) { lstDiff.append("*"); return true; }
00204       if (m_pWork == m_pOriginal) { return false; }
00205       qx::dao::detail::QxDao_IsDirty<T>::compare((* m_pWork), (* m_pOriginal), lstDiff);
00206       return (! lstDiff.isEmpty());
00207    }
00209 };
00211 } // namespace dao
00212 } // namespace qx
00214 template<class T, class X> bool operator==(const qx::dao::ptr<T> & ptr1, const qx::dao::ptr<X> & ptr2)   { return (ptr1.toQtSharedPointer() == ptr2.toQtSharedPointer()); }
00215 template<class T, class X> bool operator!=(const qx::dao::ptr<T> & ptr1, const qx::dao::ptr<X> & ptr2)   { return (ptr1.toQtSharedPointer() != ptr2.toQtSharedPointer()); }
00216 template<class T, class X> bool operator==(const qx::dao::ptr<T> & ptr1, const X * ptr2)                 { return (ptr1.toQtSharedPointer() == ptr2); }
00217 template<class T, class X> bool operator!=(const qx::dao::ptr<T> & ptr1, const X * ptr2)                 { return (ptr1.toQtSharedPointer() != ptr2); }
00218 template<class T, class X> bool operator==(const T * ptr1, const qx::dao::ptr<X> & ptr2)                 { return (ptr1 == ptr2.toQtSharedPointer()); }
00219 template<class T, class X> bool operator!=(const T * ptr1, const qx::dao::ptr<X> & ptr2)                 { return (ptr1 != ptr2.toQtSharedPointer()); }
00221 template <typename T>
00222 QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & stream, const qx::dao::ptr<T> & t)
00223 {
00224    stream << t.m_pWork;
00225    stream << t.m_pOriginal;
00226    return stream;
00227 }
00229 template <typename T>
00230 QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & stream, qx::dao::ptr<T> & t)
00231 {
00232    stream >> t.m_pWork;
00233    stream >> t.m_pOriginal;
00234    return stream;
00235 }
00237 #endif // _QX_DAO_POINTER_H_