QxOrm  1.4.9
C++ Object Relational Mapping library
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
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00003 ** https://www.qxorm.com/
00004 ** Copyright (C) 2013 Lionel Marty (contact@qxorm.com)
00005 **
00006 ** This file is part of the QxOrm library
00007 **
00008 ** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
00009 ** warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
00010 ** damages arising from the use of this software
00011 **
00012 ** Commercial Usage
00013 ** Licensees holding valid commercial QxOrm licenses may use this file in
00014 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
00015 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
00016 ** a written agreement between you and Lionel Marty
00017 **
00018 ** GNU General Public License Usage
00019 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
00020 ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
00021 ** Foundation and appearing in the file 'license.gpl3.txt' included in the
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00025 **
00026 ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, or
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00028 ** contact@qxorm.com
00029 **
00030 ****************************************************************************/
00032 #ifndef _QX_SQL_RELATION_ONE_TO_ONE_H_
00033 #define _QX_SQL_RELATION_ONE_TO_ONE_H_
00035 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00036 #pragma once
00037 #endif
00046 #include <QxDao/QxSqlRelation.h>
00048 namespace qx {
00054 template <class DataType, class Owner>
00055 class QxSqlRelation_OneToOne : public QxSqlRelation<DataType, Owner>
00056 {
00058 private:
00060    typedef typename QxSqlRelation<DataType, Owner>::type_owner type_owner;
00061    typedef typename QxSqlRelation<DataType, Owner>::type_data type_data;
00063 public:
00065    QxSqlRelation_OneToOne(IxDataMember * p) : QxSqlRelation<DataType, Owner>(p) { this->setRelationType(qx::IxSqlRelation::one_to_one); }
00066    virtual ~QxSqlRelation_OneToOne() { ; }
00068    virtual QString getDescription() const                                     { return "relation one-to-one"; }
00069    virtual QString createExtraTable() const                                   { return ""; }
00070    virtual bool getCartesianProduct() const                                   { return false; }
00071    virtual void createTable(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const               { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00072    virtual void lazySelect(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const                { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00073    virtual void lazyFrom(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const                  { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00074    virtual void eagerFrom(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const                 { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00075    virtual void lazyJoin(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const                  { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00076    virtual void lazyWhere(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const                 { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00077    virtual void eagerWhere(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const                { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00078    virtual void lazyWhereSoftDelete(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const       { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00079    virtual void lazyFetch_ResolveInput(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const    { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00080    virtual void eagerFetch_ResolveInput(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const   { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00081    virtual void lazyFetch_ResolveOutput(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const   { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00082    virtual void lazyInsert(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const                { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00083    virtual void lazyInsert_Values(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const         { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00084    virtual void lazyUpdate(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const                { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00085    virtual void lazyInsert_ResolveInput(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const   { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00086    virtual void lazyUpdate_ResolveInput(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const   { Q_UNUSED(params); }
00087    virtual QSqlError onBeforeSave(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const         { Q_UNUSED(params); return QSqlError(); }
00089    virtual QSqlError onAfterSave(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const
00090    {
00091       if (this->isNullData(params)) { return QSqlError(); }
00092       if (! params.recursiveMode()) { return qx::dao::save(this->getData(params), (& params.database())); }
00093       else { return qx::dao::save_with_relation_recursive(this->getData(params), params.saveMode(), (& params.database()), (& params)); }
00094    }
00096    virtual QVariant getIdFromQuery(bool bEager, QxSqlRelationParams & params, int iOffset, int iNameIndex) const
00097    { return this->getIdFromQuery_OneToOne(bEager, params, iOffset, iNameIndex); }
00099    virtual void updateOffset(bool bEager, QxSqlRelationParams & params) const
00100    { this->updateOffset_OneToOne(bEager, params); }
00102    virtual void eagerSelect(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const
00103    { this->eagerSelect_OneToOne(params); }
00105    virtual void eagerJoin(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const
00106    { this->eagerJoin_OneToOne(params); }
00108    virtual void eagerWhereSoftDelete(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const
00109    { this->eagerWhereSoftDelete_OneToOne(params); }
00111    virtual void * eagerFetch_ResolveOutput(QxSqlRelationParams & params) const
00112    {
00113       if (! this->verifyOffset(params, true)) { return NULL; }
00114       QSqlQuery & query = params.query();
00115       IxDataMember * p = NULL; IxDataMember * pId = this->getDataId(); qAssert(pId); if (! pId) { return NULL; }
00116       long lIndex = 0; long lOffsetId = ((pId && (! params.isDistinct())) ? pId->getNameCount() : 0); bool bValidId(false);
00117       long lOffsetOld = params.offset(); this->updateOffset(true, params);
00118       long lRelation = 0; IxSqlRelation * pRelation = NULL;
00120       if (! params.isDistinct())
00121       {
00122          for (int i = 0; i < pId->getNameCount(); i++)
00123          { QVariant v = query.value(lOffsetOld + i); bValidId = (bValidId || qx::trait::is_valid_primary_key(v)); }
00124          if (! bValidId) { return NULL; }
00125       }
00127       type_data & currData = this->getData(params);
00128       if (! this->callTriggerBeforeFetch(currData, params)) { return NULL; }
00130       if (! params.isDistinct())
00131       {
00132          for (int i = 0; i < pId->getNameCount(); i++)
00133          { QVariant v = query.value(lOffsetOld + i); pId->fromVariant((& currData), v, i, qx::cvt::context::e_database); }
00134       }
00136       long lOffsetRelation = (lOffsetOld + lOffsetId); long lCurrIndex = 0;
00137       while ((p = this->nextData(lIndex)))
00138       { if (params.checkColumns(p->getKey())) { p->fromVariant((& currData), query.value(lCurrIndex + lOffsetRelation), -1, qx::cvt::context::e_database); lCurrIndex++; } }
00140       if (params.relationX())
00141       {
00142          long lOffsetCurrent = (lCurrIndex + lOffsetRelation);
00143          QString sOldCustomAliasOwner = params.getCustomAliasOwner(); params.setCustomAliasOwner(params.getCustomAlias());
00144          long lIndexOwnerOld = params.indexOwner(); params.setIndexOwner(params.index());
00145          void * pOwnerOld = params.owner(); params.setOwner(& currData);
00146          lOffsetOld = params.offset(); params.setOffset(lOffsetCurrent);
00147          while ((pRelation = this->nextRelation(lRelation)))
00148          { if (this->addLazyRelation(params, pRelation)) { pRelation->lazyFetch_ResolveOutput(params); } }
00149          params.setOwner(pOwnerOld); params.setOffset(lOffsetOld);
00150          params.setCustomAliasOwner(sOldCustomAliasOwner);
00151          params.setIndexOwner(lIndexOwnerOld);
00152       }
00154       if (! this->callTriggerAfterFetch(currData, params)) { return NULL; }
00155       return (& currData);
00156    }
00158 };
00160 } // namespace qx
00162 #endif // _QX_SQL_RELATION_ONE_TO_ONE_H_