QxOrm 1.4.2 released - support JSON serialization

Open discussion on QxOrm library

QxOrm 1.4.2 released - support JSON serialization

Postby qxorm » Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:04 pm


QxOrm 1.4.2 just released !


Changes in version 1.4.2:
- Support JSON serialization : each C++ class registered in QxOrm context can be serialized/deserialized in JSON format (JSON feature requires Qt5)
- For more details about JSON serialization, read QxOrm manual here : http://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_606
- With JSON serialization and QxService module : it is now possible to create REST Web Services to send data to a javascript engine (web pages for example)
- Fix some compilation errors with recent (and less permissive) compilers and latest versions of boost and Qt
- Fix relationship initialization assertion with complex, deep and circular relationships in large database schema
- Improve QDataStream serialization : should be faster now and fix an issue with circular instances dependencies
- Fix a bug fetching 1-n and n-n relationships when root is a container of stack objects (it worked only with pointers or smart-pointers, for example : QList<blog> vs QList<std::shared_ptr<blog>>)
- Improve qx::dump() function : possibility to display a C++ instance state in XML or JSON format
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