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Using QxORM with qtCreator (Ubuntu SDK Version)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:08 pm

I am trying to use QxORM as OR mapper for a app that i develop for ubuntu touch. The ubuntu-sdk uses qtCreator to create that kind of apps.
I am an stuck to include the library in my program. It compiles all without any problems but as soon as the app is started i get the error message:

undefined symbol: _ZTIN2qx11IxSingletonE)

For me it looks like a linker error message.

So my question is: Is there a tutorial how to use the library in qtCreator (Ubuntu SDK version)?

Re: Using QxORM with qtCreator (Ubuntu SDK Version)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:15 pm
by qxorm

There is a tutorial for MSVC on Windows here :

There is no tutorial for Ubuntu but QxOrm is tested and works fine on Linux.
So I think there is no problem on Linux with or without QtCreator.

Did you try to generate a project with QxEntityEditor application ?
Maybe there is something wrong in your *.pro file.