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Define the installation directory.

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:29 am
by jduran

By default, the library is installed in /usr/local, it is valid as a default option, however sometimes, it is needed to install the library in another directory, for example, because it has been compiled for another architecture. I've defined the variable PREFIX to set the directory base to install the library.

The patch is:
Code: Select all
--- QxOrm/   2012-05-17 12:01:34.323390561 +0200
+++ QxOrm/   2012-05-17 12:08:31.491376455 +0200
@@ -52,11 +52,15 @@
 } # CONFIG(debug, debug|release)
 unix {
+PREFIX = /usr/local
 DESTDIR = ./lib/
-target.path = /usr/local/lib/
-headers.path = /usr/local/include/
+target.path = $$PREFIX/lib/
+headers.path = $$PREFIX/include/
 headers.files = ./include/*
-headers_inl.path = /usr/local/inl/
+headers_inl.path = $$PREFIX/inl/
 headers_inl.files = ./inl/*
 INSTALLS = target headers headers_inl
 } # unix

Thanks and Best Regards,
Joaquim Duran

Re: Define the installation directory.

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:33 pm
by QxOrm admin

Thanx, it's a good idea, I will add this PREFIX variable for the next official release (QxOrm 1.2.4) !