QxEntityEditor 1.1.6 released

Open discussion on QxEntityEditor

QxEntityEditor 1.1.6 released

Postby qxorm » Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:06 pm


QxEntityEditor 1.1.6 released : the graphic editor for QxOrm library !


Changes in version QxEntityEditor 1.1.6:
- New javascript engine to customize the C++ and DDL SQL export process writing your own custom script
- Integrated debugger to debug your own custom javascript files (for example, putting a breakpoint or logging some traces)
- New plugin to print the entities diagram as a PNG image file and PDF file
- New property parameter UNIQUE (in property params window) used by the DDL SQL generator to create the database schema
- Improve nested models in QxModelView module to be able to use several relationships levels in QML
- Possibility to change the order in the list of properties and list of relationships of an entity
- Change encoding of generated files : now files are UTF-8
- Possibility to put a relative path to the QxEntityEditor project file (*.qxee file) in each plugin location settings
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