New generated static functions

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New generated static functions

Postby jimmytaker » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:07 am

You have the description field, which is great. Now how about adding static functions like the
Code: Select all
static QString column_XX();

but for the descriptions:
Code: Select all
static QString column_desc_XX() { return QObject::tr("Translatable description"); }

And then using those when setting the description of pData:
Code: Select all

The translations could be even more useful, if the object is derived from QObject and has the Q_OBJECT macro.
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Re: New generated static functions

Postby qxorm » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:21 am


Thank you for your suggestion !
I think that this kind of feature is useful as you said if your persistent class inherits from QObject.

So I would recommend to use the Javascript engine of QxEntityEditor to customize C++ exports : ... #js_engine
I think this js engine is flexible enough to allow you to provide this static methods in your classes.
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