Entity Viewer should illustrate 1-n... with number on conect

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Entity Viewer should illustrate 1-n... with number on conect

Postby arolin » Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:03 am

The Entity Viewer should illustrate 1-n,n-1,n-n,1... in entity view by putting a number next to the connection point.
The connection point should also be fixable at the level of the component it is relating.
It should also include an auto routing to use 90deg bends and allow the addition of some anchors on the wires and certatin entities.

It would also be nice to save the state of the diagram to png or pdf and to save specific views for later exports.
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Re: Entity Viewer should illustrate 1-n... with number on co

Postby qxorm » Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:38 am


The Entity Viewer should illustrate 1-n,n-1,n-n,1... in entity view by putting a number next to the connection point.

OK we will add it in a future version.

It would also be nice to save the state of the diagram to png or pdf and to save specific views for later exports.

Already done in this BETA versions, you can download it here :
- QxOrm 1.2.9 BETA 03 : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxOrm_1.2.9_BETA_03.zip
- QxEntityEditor 1.1.6 BETA 15 (win32b) : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxEntityEd ... in_32b.zip

Changes log :
- New plugin to print the entities diagram as a PNG image file and PDF file ;
- New property parameter UNIQUE (in property params window) used by the DDL SQL generator to create the database schema ;
- improve nested models in QxModelView module to be able to use several relationships levels in QML ;
- possibility to change the order in the list of properties and list of relationships of an entity.
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Re: Entity Viewer should illustrate 1-n... with number on co

Postby amaury_rolin » Tue Jul 08, 2014 1:07 am

It would also be nice to save the state of the diagram to png or pdf and to save specific views for later exports.

Already done in this BETA versions, you can download it here :
- QxOrm 1.2.9 BETA 03 : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxOrm_1.2.9_BETA_03.zip
- QxEntityEditor 1.1.6 BETA 15 (win32b) : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxEntityEd ... in_32b.zip

Thanks the PNG export works well but could benefit from a number of other features:

  1. Ability to name the export file
  2. Ability to create/save/restore specific views which consist of
    1. hide/show attribute for each entity
    2. hide/show attribute by name space
    3. optional anchor points for entities
        entities which are not anchored remain where they are while anchored ones move to their assigned positions
        option to anchor all etities when taking view
    4. A Color scheme
  3. Ability to define a color scheme with rules such as
      Default Color for Entity and inherited entities
      Default Color for Namespace
  4. Option to display namespace and entity heirachy as nested colored outlines
  5. Right angle routing
    1. default route should come out horiziontaly on the side of the entity at the level of the relataion, take a right anle up or down halfway to the target, and take an other right angle to return to horizontal and connect to the related entity.
    2. user should be able to add a horizontal step at any heigh in the vertical segment
    3. user should be able to move a vertical segment left to right
    4. when a vertical segment moves past the end of a horizontal step the horizontal step will dissapear and the vertical segment will resume moving in unison.
    5. Number and position of vertical transitions are saved with views
    6. Relations should optionaly display their name and the relationship type near either or both ends of the relations
  6. Entity width is adjustable (with auto grow option)
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Re: Entity Viewer should illustrate 1-n... with number on co

Postby qxorm » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:26 am

Thx very much for this list of features to improve QxEntityEditor !
We will try to take them into account for future versions...
Just a few remarks :

Ability to name the export file

The default name is the project name, but you can already rename it :
- go to the main menu : "Tools >> Plugin scripts", then define a custom script after execution of the plugin QxEEPrinter.
- then create a script file (.bat, .sh or whatever) and use the RENAME DOS command (or UNIX command).

Entity width is adjustable (with auto grow option)

You can already define the width of entities (but ok, there is no the auto grow option) : go to the main menu "Tools >> Global options".

For now, for the next version of QxEntityEditor (1.1.6), the focus is on a new feature to be able to customize the generated files using your own javascript custom file.
This new feature will provide an easy way (and powerful way) to change the default behaviour of files generation process (for example, it will be easy to add some C++ functions in a specific entity class).
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Re: Entity Viewer should illustrate 1-n... with number on co

Postby qxorm » Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:58 am


A lot of new features to improve the diagram (colors, orthogonal lines to draw relationships, etc...) have been developed in QxEntityEditor 1.1.7.
For now, this is still a BETA version (QxEntityEditor 1.1.7 BETA 60), but you can test it, here are the download links :
- Linux 32b : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxEntityEd ... 32b.tar.gz
- Linux 64b : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxEntityEd ... 64b.tar.gz
- Mac OS X : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxEntityEd ... macosx.zip
- Windows 32b : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxEntityEd ... in_32b.zip
- Windows XP : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxEntityEd ... win_xp.zip

And here is the changes log of QxEntityEditor 1.1.7 BETA 60 :
- New Navigator window (under project treeview) : useful to navigate over large diagram
- New way to draw relationships (orthogonal lines between 2 entities) + display the relationship type on each side (there is an option to use the old drawing style from previous version)
- Possibility to define a background color by namespace : useful to group all entities in the diagram associated to a same namespace
- New feature to customize entities/enumerations/notes colors at several levels
- Define items colors at project level (menu Tools >> Project settings >> Colors tab)
- Define items colors at namespace level (right-click on the diagram >> Define colors by namespace)
- Define colors at item level : right-click on an item (entity, enumeration or comment) >> Define item colors
- New action to organize automatically the diagram layout, useful after an import process for example (menu View >> Organize diagram layout)
- Improve the DDL SQL export plugin : new option to export relationships as foreign keys constraints in database
- Support the new compilation option _QX_NO_PRECOMPILED_HEADER of QxOrm library (workaround for a known bug of recent versions of MinGW on Windows and large precompiled header)
- Import database by ODBC plugin : fix the import from MS SQL Server database when tables are not located in the default schema (dbo)
- QxEntityEditor Mac OS X version : fix an issue to load the QxEEPrinter plugin

FYI, the current BETA version of QxOrm library : http://www.qxorm.com/version/QxOrm_1.3.1_BETA_29.zip
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