Is there some overview of the possible operations on the "helper" JS object?
I would like to obtain an array of all entity_table_names.
Is there some overview of the possible operations on the "helper" JS object ?
I would like to obtain an array of all entity_table_names.
var allEntities = new Array(); // global variable
customProcess : function(params)
allEntities.push(params[13]); // Add current entity id to the global array
// Write the pro file ==> so all entities have been processed
if (params[4].endsWith(".pro"))
// Here you can iterate over all entities
for (i = 0; i < allEntities.length; i++)
{ /* ... */ }
catch (err)
{ return ("[CustomScriptError] an unexpected error occurred : " + err); }
it would be cool to get the C++ project location out of the helper object to write files directly there.
Is there some overview of the possible operations on the "helper" JS object?
I would like to obtain an array of all entity_table_names.
it would be cool to get the C++ project location out of the helper object to write files directly there
log = log + "\n - output_location = " + params[16];
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