Property Improvements

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Property Improvements

Postby Kasuax » Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:28 pm

  • There is no way to trigger anything special to happen during object construction... Very irritating!
  • There is no room in the custom get implementation and set implementation to write anything of value. At-least not elegantly...
  • There is no combination of Get/Set accessors & ReadOnly that can give you just a set__ or just a get__ property implementation. For this reason Transient properties to me seem completely useless...
  • Someone else mentioned it but there should be a way to update the global list of decorations and containers. The current list is good but is limited...
  • Why do inherited properties get ordered at the bottom of the properties list. Not that it matters... Just curious... Technical reason?
  • A way to set the qx::dao::strategy::concrete_table_inheritance with polymorphic objects. I have a script right now that digs through the code looking for property bag entries to manually repair this after I export from Qxee. Other class properties might be useful if exposed too.
  • For usability, if enums auto incremented value that might be useful.
  • Property Flags should include the virtual keyword. This would also make Transient properties more useful.
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Re: Property Improvements

Postby qxorm » Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:56 pm


Thx for this list of features requests and improvements.
I think that most of them can be implemented using the javascript engine of QxEntityEditor to customize the export process.

Anyway, I have some questions :

There is no way to trigger anything special to happen during object construction... Very irritating!

What do you want to do exactly ?
Could you please give an example with code source ?

There is no room in the custom get implementation and set implementation to write anything of value. At-least not elegantly...

Could you please give an example of what you would like to do ?

There is no combination of Get/Set accessors & ReadOnly that can give you just a set__ or just a get__ property implementation. For this reason Transient properties to me seem completely useless...

I think the javascript engine could help you, but I would like to understand what you would like to do.
Some code example please ?

a way to update the global list of decorations and containers. The current list is good but is limited...

Ok, I will try to provide a way to add your own decorations and containers.
For example, what containers do you want to add ?

Why do inherited properties get ordered at the bottom of the properties list

There is no reason : first we have properties of current class, then properties of inherited classes.

A way to set the qx::dao::strategy::concrete_table_inheritance with polymorphic objects. I have a script right now that digs through the code looking for property bag entries to manually repair this after I export from Qxee. Other class properties might be useful if exposed too.

Could you please share your script ?

For usability, if enums auto incremented value that might be useful.

Do you mean in the GUI ?
Each time a user enters a new key in the enum, the value is automatically setted ?

Property Flags should include the virtual keyword. This would also make Transient properties more useful.

Sorry, I don't understand.
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Re: Property Improvements

Postby Kasuax » Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:52 pm

There is no way to trigger anything special to happen during object construction... Very irritating!

What do you want to do exactly ?
Could you please give an example with code source ?

Most of my requests (custom constructors, virtual methods, enhanced get/set property combinations, etc...) are based purely on the fact that polymorphic object support with this framework is very difficult to design from the GUI. Possibly difficult everywhere, but these asks would facilitate those types of development efforts.

For usability, if enums auto incremented value that might be useful.

Do you mean in the GUI ?
Each time a user enters a new key in the enum, the value is automatically setted ?

Yes, in the GUI, it could be nice if it auto increments from the previous row value. Right now you have to manually type a value in for each entry.
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Re: Property Improvements

Postby qxorm » Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:53 pm

Most of my requests (custom constructors, virtual methods, enhanced get/set property combinations, etc...) are based purely on the fact that polymorphic object support with this framework is very difficult to design from the GUI. Possibly difficult everywhere, but these asks would facilitate those types of development efforts.

It would be great if you provide some examples of what you would like to have.
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Re: Property Improvements

Postby Kasuax » Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:47 pm

Quick Example

Code: Select all
ChannelSpec::ChannelSpec() : QXC::ComponentSpecBase() { m_Type = ComponentType::Channel; }
ComponentSpec::ComponentSpec() : QXC::ComponentSpecBase() { m_Type = ComponentType::Device; }

I realize you can enforce that during beforeInsert and beforeUpdate, but why couldn't it be there from the get go when it's constructed...
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Re: Property Improvements

Postby Kasuax » Tue Jul 19, 2016 5:18 pm

It would also be nice if we could type hex values into enumeration values.

Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:42 pm

Re: Property Improvements

Postby qxorm » Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:28 am

It would also be nice if we could type hex values into enumeration values.

Ok I add it to the TODO list.

EDIT : done with QxEntityEditor 1.2.1 : for changes log and download, please go to QxOrm download web page :
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