QxOrm  1.4.9
C++ Object Relational Mapping library
QxModelView Directory Reference


file  IxModel.h [code]

Interface to manage Qt model/view architecture with classes registered into QxOrm context (Qt widgets and/or QML views)

file  QxModel.h [code]

All classes registered into QxOrm context can be used with Qt model/view architecture (Qt widgets and/or QML views)

file  QxModelRowCompare.h [code]

Functor used to provide sort feature for all models based on qx::IxModel interface (please note that you can also use QSortFilterProxyModel Qt class to sort your model)

file  QxModelService.h [code]

qx::QxModelService<T, S> provides an easy way to connect your model to the QxService module (all queries are executed over network using client/server communication)

file  QxNestedModel.h [code]

qx::model_view::create_nested_model is used by QxEntityEditor to manage complex data structure to work with relationships in QML views and Qt model/view architecture